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Op 25 apr. 2015 om 18:10 heeft Offray Vladimir Luna
Cárdenas <offray(a)> het volgende geschreven:
Hi Stephan,
Thanks. The main issue for me with morphic is there is little information right now,
except may be for [1] and the upcoming information from the Kilion chapter/document. I
will take a look to Spec, which seems to have the most updated/complete documentation now
and get a feeling of it and come back with findings/inquiries.
That won't really help you. Spec is mapped to Morphic. It might be easier to
understand Bloc, but that isn't finished. Morphic documentation exists, but is widely
dispersed and partially woefully out of date. The squeak wiki provides lots of
information. Also take a look at Polymorph for how things can actually work (but perhaps
not for how to structure it) and in a Squeak image for lots of sample code.