Hello Dennis,
Maybe you can try something like this:
| view rawView nodes node label |
rawView := ROView new.
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder view: rawView.
view shape rectangle withoutBorder.
node := view node: 'example' forIt:[
view shape rectangle size: 100.
view node: 1.
view shape label.
view node: 'test'.
view verticalLineLayout.
view noLayout.
view open.
So you have a node that contains 2 nodes, your original node and its label.
With this you can re-arrange any way you like. For example, if you want to
put the label in the top you can do something like this:
nodes := view node: 'example' forIt:[
view shape label.
view node: 'test'.
view shape rectangle size: 100.
view node: 1.
view verticalLineLayout.
I hope it helps.
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