We will fix that.
I will generate some bugs :)
On May 25, 2011, at 9:23 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
On 25 May 2011, at 09:08, Nicolas Anquetil wrote:
I reported the pyramid.
After there were in my flow so I closed them. Now I can take 10 min on
browsing verveineJ model and produce them. I imagine that somebody
has to use this interface.
I think that we should all think if we want to succeed or not.
I mean yes I can do what I'm told (cyrille), or do my experience
(jannik), or fix mondrian (alex) but
if nobody spend 1 hour to try to analyse a Java project then we will
have bugs.
I do use Moose, and Usman and Andre too.
But we use it to compute metrics, very little to browse source code.
and last time we used it was a month ago (ICSM deadline ...) and we used the version
before changes to the meta-model, the one that worked.
since then we had significant changes to Famix (this is why Jannik asked for a 4.0
release) that left things in an unstable state.
Problem lies somewhere in underestimating the impact of the changes to Famix. It should
probably have been considered a development version so that it is clearer what one was
dealing with.
The issue is like I mentioned before: The Cook API is broken and needs revision. The
larger problem is that we do not have tests that capture the problems.
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