I've been working on creating a presentation using Glamour.
Making a browser fullscreen:
bounds: (RealEstateAgent maximumUsableAreaInWorld: World).
Switching the UITheme to the white Glamorous theme gets rid of most of the
darker background.
When embedding a GTPlayground in another browser, I need to override the
reaction to GLMBrowserClosing
on: GLMBrowserClosing do: [
"This is a hack for the moment.
We need a better mechanism from Glamour to help
us keep the model in sync"
self entity
content: self first panes first presentations first text.
self entity content asString trimBoth isEmpty
ifFalse: [ self class repository add: self entity ] ]
In presentation mode, I give one of the columns (with a tree pane) a span of 0.
I can then still control the tree contents in it with the cursor keys.
Once I click inside a text pane, I can no longer give the tree pane
focus. I would like to have an action to show/hide the pane. How do I force
a redraw after setting the span?
How do I make the text area really read-only?