I'm not sure to see exactly what you are looking for, but it could look
like something like that:
| wizard tmpPane1 tmpPane2 tmpPane3 |
wizard := WizardControl new.
wizard renderer: MerlinMorphicWizardRenderer new.
tmpPane1 := ( WizardFirstPane new
row: ( RadioButtonsPart new
inGroupboxNamed: 'Choose Option A';
options: { #'Option 1'. #'Option 2' };
defaultValue: nil;
callback: [:value :tmpPart |
(value = #'Option 2') ifTrue: [
wizard selectBranch: 2.
ifFalse: [
wizard selectBranch: 1.
yourself )
associatedTo: #optionA
tmpPane2 :=( WizardLastPane new
row: ( ListPart new
initialList: { 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 };
yourself )
associatedTo: #optionB
tmpPane3 := ( WizardLastPane new
row: ( RadioButtonsPart new
inGroupboxNamed: 'Choose Option B';
options: { #'Option 3'. #'Option 4' };
defaultValue: nil;
yourself )
associatedTo: #optionB
wizard addPane: tmpPane1.
wizard addPane: tmpPane2 .
wizard addBranch.
wizard selectBranch: 2.
wizard addPane: tmpPane1.
wizard addPane: tmpPane3 .
wizard selectBranch: 1.
wizard open.
You can also look at the class MerlinExamples, there is several examples in
the class side.
2012/4/10 Hernán Morales Durand <hernan.morales(a)gmail.com>
Hi all, I'm using Merlin and need some help, for
example in the following
script I want to associate the next button with the 'Option 2' to the
ListPart (in a second pane) and the next button with the 'Option 1' to the
radio button pane group (options 3 and 4, in another second pane). Should I
use branches? and callbacks? May anyone show an example how to do it?
| wizard |
wizard := WizardControl new.
wizard renderer: MerlinMorphicWizardRenderer new.
addPane: ( WizardFirstPane new
row: ( RadioButtonsPart new
inGroupboxNamed: 'Choose Option A';
options: { #'Option 1'. #'Option 2' };
defaultValue: nil;
yourself )
associatedTo: #optionSelected );
addPane: ( WizardMiddlePane new
row: ( ListPart new
initialList: { 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 };
yourself ) );
addPane: ( WizardFirstPane new
row: ( RadioButtonsPart new
inGroupboxNamed: 'Choose Option B';
options: { #'Option 3'. #'Option 4' };
defaultValue: nil;
yourself )
associatedTo: #optionSelected ).
wizard open.
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Cyrille Delaunay