On 20 Apr 2011, at 14:54, Tudor Girba wrote:
questions triggered some exploration of my own, and now I have questions about tags: and
tagsFilter on lists. Firstly, is there a way to have the tags on the left of the list
entries? This way they are all aligned and always visible (very relevant in case the list
entries are long and you need to scroll).
This would not work well. Instead, we should have the tags aligned to the right, but I do
not know how to do that properly :(.
Why would this not work well? I do not see the reason why :-(
And yes, right aligned tags would be cool as well, but for me do not remove the motivation
for having tags at the left of the list entries.
Also, I want a click on a tag to do no filtering
at all, so I found a send of tagsFilter: in the example and played a bit with that. It
seems that it does not really matter what the block that I give as argument does, it
always just turns filtering off. (Moose 4.3 release) I guess this is not the expected
behavior, although it turns out to be what I want. So the question: what is the block
supposed to specify and how. Alternative: please dont fix this bug :-P
This was an addition of Veronica. You can use tagsFilter if you want the filtering to be
done via a different object than the value of the label.
Take a look at the example from:
GLMBasicExamples new compoundTaggedTree openOn: #(window help home)
OK, since I always returned the same thing in the block, it effectively turns filtering
off. Great, just what I wanted ! :-)
Johan Fabry
jfabry(a)dcc.uchile.cl -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile