Stef and I developed Snapshotcello, a little utility that enables you to freeze a snapshot
of a given configuration based on what is already loaded in your current image.
The idea is simple. You develop against the latest versions of all packages, and commit
your changes for each package. When you are ready for a release, you assemble your image,
and generate a snapshot version that can be reloaded later.
Here is an example of how it can work to take a snapshot of a development version:
Snapshotcello new
configurationClass: ConfigurationOfMoose;
configurationVersion: #development;
publishVersion: '4.8-snapshot'
You can find more details here:
You can get the code at:
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'girba' project: 'Snapshotcello';
package: 'ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello';
(Smalltalk globals at: #ConfigurationOfSnapshotcello) loadDevelopment
"Every successful trip needs a suitable vehicle."