Hi Tommaso!
Well spotted!
connectFrom: and connectTo: may return a simple object or a collection. This is handy to
not have a method called connectFromAll: and connectToAll: (as we have in Mondrian).
But String and Symbol are considered as collections.
Update Roassal2 and you will have the correct behavior
Alexandre Bergel
On Oct 30, 2014, at 1:51 PM, Tommaso Dal Sasso
<tommaso.dalsasso(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I am a bit puzzled by the behavior of Roassal2 using RTGraphBuilder.
Inspired by the Agile Visualization Book, I tried some scripts, but I ran into some
problems regarding edges.
I used this simple script to connect some random dots:
nodes := #(one two three four five).
b := RTGraphBuilder new.
b edges
color: Color red;
connectFrom: [ :e | nodes atRandom ].
b nodes color: Color gray.
b layout grid.
b addAll: nodes.
It worked to draw the dots, but it didn't displayed any edge. The weird thing is that
if I put integers or characters inside nodes, it works correctly.
Example -- this works:
nodes := #(1 2 3 4 5 6).
b := RTGraphBuilder new.
b edges
color: Color red;
connectFrom: [ :e | nodes atRandom ].
b nodes color: Color gray.
b layout grid.
b addAll: nodes.
Am I doing something wrong?
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