On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Alexandre Bergel
With the
recent release of Roassal I thought I try it out and see if I
can port my
TreeMapLayout from Mondrian to the new engine.
That would be excellent.
First of all: I really like Roassal. I felt while
it was similar to
Mondrian it was easier to use and understand. I was able to throw
away some
boilerplate code in my layout, it is much cleaner now. Also, the porting
did not took much time.
Thanks. That is exactly the goal of Roassal.
There are two things which are missing (or I did
not find them) to
enable to draw a real TreeMap though: z-ordering and making edges
Making edge invisible is easy. Just try:
| view edges |
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder new.
view nodes: Collection withAllSubclasses.
( view edgesFrom: #superclass) do: [ :edge | edge - ROEdge ].
view treeLayout.
view open
You need to update to the last version. I also introduced an example and
tests about making element invisible.
The Mondrian builder assigns a shape per default. You can always remove it
using Roassal facilities.
That worked, thanks
Roassal seems
to render the nodes in the order they are given to it,
meaning the first node will
be "under" all the others with the last one on
top. Is there a way to alter this? In Mondrian every shape had a zOrder
This is something that I do not have a solution yet. What exactly do you
need? How do you want to specific the node ordering?
The node ordering can certainly be changed, but I would like to do it
without introducing a zOrder. The reason is that on some point, I would
like to have quadtrees, and the zOrdering may hamper it.
The reason is the following:
How are the shapes actually drawn? What determines the order?
Why do you think zOrder would hamper quadtrees?
Alexandre Bergel
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