As you might have noticed, we have new additions to Famix-Java:
- ParameterizableClass and ParameterizedType (to model generics and templates - thanks
Andre :))
- Enum and EnumValue (to model Java Enums)
- AnnotationTypeProperty and AnnotationInstanceProperty (to have detailed information
about AnnotationType and AnnotationInstance)
I am currently working with the inFusion guys to get the exporter working with these new
additions. It would be great to have also VerveineJ up to date on this.
There are still open issues, and it would also be great to get help on them:
- How to model the parameters of a ParameterizableClass as a Type that can be used as
declaredType. We should add some sort of a local scope to a type. See:
- I would like to have an explicit FAMIXInterface, but it is slightly more difficult now
that we have ParameterizableClass. See:
"Be rather willing to give than demanding to get."