We found a bug in our code to get a smalltalkClass from a famix one and the
solution is that one
As you can see, we use the fact that when the classes are not merged their
names contains _class.
The problem is that we cannot use hasClassScope to distinguish whether the
method is a class method on a merged class
or a class method on non merged class.
The following code distinguish between the two in a dirty way.
In the following test
self assert: ( model entityNamed: #'Smalltalk::LANNode.new()')
compiledMethod = (LANNode class>>#new).
shows that a class method on a merged class/metaclass should still returns
a compiled method of the metaclass.
Now is there a better way to do that than to rely on _class?
"Return the smalltalk class associated with the receiver. Note that it may
be different than doing self parentType because the class and metaclass can
be merged."
^ ('*_class' match: self parentType name)
ifTrue: [self parentType smalltalkClass]
ifFalse: [self hasClassScope
ifTrue: [self parentType smalltalkClass class]
ifFalse: [self parentType smalltalkClass]]
"self debug: #testWhenMergingClassAndMetaclassAccessWorks"
"this test tests that we can access smalltalk class and compiledMethod
from famix when the class and metaclasses are merged"
|model importer fmNewMethodName|
model := MooseModel new.
importer := MooseSqueakClassPackageImporterTask new.
importer importerClass: SmalltalkImporter.
importer importingContext mergeClassAndMetaclass.
importer model: model.
importer addFromPackageNamed: #'Moose-TestResources-LAN'.
importer run.
self assert: (( model entityNamed: LANNode mooseName) smalltalkClass =
self assert: ( model entityNamed: (LANNode>>#accept:) mooseName)
compiledMethod = (LANNode>>#accept:).
self assert: ( model entityNamed: LANNode mooseName) isInstanceSide.
self deny: ( model entityNamed: (LANNode>>#accept:) mooseName)
self assert: ( model entityNamed: #'Smalltalk::LANNode.new()')
self assert: ( model entityNamed: (LANNode>>#accept:) mooseName)
smalltalkClass = LANNode.
self assert: ( model entityNamed: #'Smalltalk::LANNode.new()')
smalltalkClass = LANNode class.
self assert: ( model entityNamed: #'Smalltalk::LANNode.new()')
compiledMethod = (LANNode class>>#new).
stef and ussman