What is
How does it relate to metacello browser (which I should try)?
Versionner is a simplification of MetacelloBrowser that I use everyday. It is really rare
when I use the monticello browser.
So, how to use it? Easy:
1 - Load it:
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'Versionner';
package: 'ConfigurationOfVersionner';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfVersionner) project version: #development) load.
2 - Work on your project (e.g., Nautilus, Mondrian, Whatever that has a well defined
3 - Open the Versionner and select the name of the configuration on the left hand pane
(the prefix 'ConfigurationOf' has been removed)
4 - Press commit
Y nada más! It will create a new version, save all the dirty packages and save the
It is not bulletproof in case of concurrent development. However, I have never bumped
into a serious problem.
On Oct 7, 2011, at 3:10 PM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
> Hi!
> With Santiago we are trying to import different versions of a configuration in Moose.
The following script does a relatively good job. Some of you may be interested in it. Note
that it is specialized for Mondrian, but can be easily adapted for other projects.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> | mooseModel packages task |
> #('2.10' '2.13' '2.100') do: [:version |
> | project |
> project := (ConfigurationOfMondrian project version: version).
> [
> project load.
> "This is necessary by Moose to properly import"
> Gofer new
> url: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/CollectionExtensions';
> version: 'CollectionExtensions-TudorGirba.29';
> load.
> packages := (project packages collect: #name) select: [:p | p beginsWith:
> mooseModel := MooseModel new.
> task := MooseSqueakClassCategoryImporterTask new.
> task importerClass: SmalltalkImporter.
> task importingContext mergeClassAndMetaclass.
> task model: mooseModel.
> task runCandidateOperator.
> task addFromPackagesNamed: packages.
> task runWithProgress.
> mooseModel name: 'Mondrian ', version.
> mooseModel install.
> ] on: Error do: [ :ex | Transcript show: 'cannot load version ', version,
' ', ex printString. ].
> ]
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> This way of importing is however not perfect. It installs the software, which is not
necessary in principle and can be a showstopper. But at least, it gives some result. Shall
I put this script in MooseScripts?
> If would be cool to have more users of Versionner/MonticelloBrowser, small tools I
made to automatically save your packages and give a new version number. Versionner has a
commit button, a bit like in SVN. This give some food for evolution analysis. Currently,
we cannot really go that far since we do not have explicit versions of what we are
> Cheers,
> Alexandre
> --
> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
> Alexandre Bergel
> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
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