I would like to signal that Diego and Stephan worked on some internal
changes to Moose-Core that can have impact on other code. So, here is a
little review to start the discussion:
- mooseName is now cached. This can have an impact if you rely on your
model to be more dynamic. If you have a custom entity that can receive
sub-entities at runtime, you might want to resetMooseName. For example, if
you modify the scope of a FAMIXType, the mooseName has to be reset:
FAMIXType>>container: aContainerEntity
container := FMMultivalueLink on: self
update: #types
from: self container
to: aContainerEntity.
*self resetMooseName*
This is supposed to be an optimization, but it makes the code more
complicated. To see if it is actually worth it, we should benchmark the
@Diego, @Stephan: Did you do some benchmarking on this?
- An entity now answers if it hasUniqueMooseNameInModel. This is at the
moment used when caching the entity by name in groups. For example,
Associations do not have a unique name and thus, they are not cached.
- There are some parts of the code I do not understand. For example, the
need of this code:
MooseGroupStorage>>becomeKind: elementStorageClass
*self do: [ :each | each hasUniqueMooseNameInModel ifTrue: [ each
privateClearMooseName ] ].*
Did I miss anything?
"Every thing has its own flow"