On 15 December 2011 23:41, Júlio Martins <jleandro.martins(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Tudor!
In general, if you are looking for a code solution, it goes much faster if
you provide some code for us to work on.
You asked how to run the example with updateable browsers. Every example
from the GLMBasicExamples has a comment with a sample of running it. In
this case, it would be:
collection := GLMAnnouncingCollection new.
collection add: 1; add: 2; add: 3.
GLMBasicExamples new updateableIndividualPresentations openOn:
Ok! I will remember this. Thanks!
But, coming back to the problem, let me summarize
what I understood the
problem is, and then you tell us if it is so:
- you have a browser
- in that browser you have an action that opens a Merlin wizard
- you want that given the value returned by the wizard to update the whole
browser, or just a part of it
If this is correct, you can probably do something like:
browser act: [:b | filterWizard atEndDo: [...]. b update ] entitled:
You are correct! This value retrieved from the wizard i need to update
the browser
Indeed what I have to update is a distribution map. I have
tried to use this
browser act: [:b | filterWizard atEndDo: [...]. b update ] entitled:
method but my Merlin wizard doesn't appear. I only can do this when I use
spawn: [:a|
filterWizard atEndDo:[:wizardInformation|
a transmit
to: #map;
self distributionMapIn: b with: (wizardInformation at: #textEntry) ]
] entitled: 'Filter'.
Maybe I forgot to mention that the method distributionMapIn:
aCompositePresentation with: aValue
return (aCompositePresentation mondrian )