Please find attached bugs in FAMIX 2.2
- Chronia.CvsFileVersion.comment has type Smalltalk.Core.Text instead of
primitive String
- Chronia.CvsFileVersion.timestamp has type Smalltalk.Core.Timestamp instead
of some primitive
- Chronia.Author has both name and Name as property, which fucks up code
- Smalltalk.CvsModelRoot should be in package Chronia
- Smalltalk.Hapax package should be top level, not nested
- Smalltalk.Dude package should be top level, not nested
- Opposites do not match: DynaMoose.Alias.variable
- Opposites do not match: FAMIX.Method.activation
- Container must be single-values: Moose.Model.entity
- Opposites do not match: Moose.Model.mooseModel
- Container must be single-values: FAMIX.Package.definedClass
- Missing type: Chronia.Commit.startTime
- Missing type: Chronia.Commit.endTime
- Opposites do not match: FAMIX.AbstractStructuralEntity.accessedByList
- Opposites do not match: DynaMoose.Activation.argument
- May not have more than one container: FAMIX.Namespace
- Container must be single-values: FAMIX.Namespace.class
- Container must be single-values: FAMIX.Namespace.namespace
- Opposites do not match: FAMIX.InheritanceDefinition.superclass
- Opposites do not match: FAMIX.InheritanceDefinition.subclass
- May not have more than one container: FAMIX.Class
- Container must be single-values: FAMIX.Class.attribute
- Opposites do not match: FAMIX.Class.incomingInheritance
- Opposites do not match: FAMIX.Class.accessedByList
- Opposites do not match: FAMIX.Class.outgoingInheritance
- Container must be single-values: FAMIX.Class.method