Comment #3 on issue 1001 by tu...(a) Pharo: Moose: unable to
get information from Dr. Geo packages.
Hmm, in your report you said that you tried with PetitParser* packages and
got the same empty model.
But, now I tried exactly with DrGeoII packages. And indeed, the ui shows as
if the model is empty. The model is actually not empty, but the UI is
messed up. After a brief inspection, I see that there are some conflicts
between Pharo and DrGeo in the Morphic and Polymorph-Widgets packages. In
particular, the one in Polymorph-Widgets removes some TabMorph methods.
To fix it, reopen the Moose Panel after loading the Morphic package from
Pharo again:
Gofer new
url: '';
package: 'Polymorph-Widgets' constraint: [ :version |
version author = 'MarcusDenker'
and: [ version versionNumber = 780 ] ];
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