Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: alexandr...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Mondrian Milestone-4.4
New issue 576 by Border of children depends on
another shape in a complex shape
Try this, and you will see that the border around the child does not get
view shape form: [:builder |
builder column; pref; fill; row; pref; fill; row; pref; fill.
builder x:1 y:1 add: (MORectangleShape new withoutBorder; withText).
builder x:1 y:2 add: MOChildrenShape new.
view node: 1 forIt: [
view shape rectangle fillColor: Color red; borderColor: Color blue;
borderWidth: 10.
view node: 100].
If you comment withoutBorder from the top shape, the border is drawn, but
only with 1 pixel. It looks like the drawing of the border of the children
nodes somehow depends on the border of the other shape.
view shape form: [:builder |
builder column; pref; fill; row; pref; fill; row; pref; fill.
builder x:1 y:1 add: (MORectangleShape new "withoutBorder;" withText).
builder x:1 y:2 add: MOChildrenShape new.
view node: 1 forIt: [
view shape rectangle fillColor: Color red; borderColor: Color blue;
borderWidth: 10.
view node: 100].