Thanks for letting us know. I cannot see a case where having 0 as the initial value does
not work as expected.
Le 21 avr. 2013 à 17:35, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)> a écrit :
Pharo 2.0 comes with Collection>>sum:
Collection>>sum: aBlock
"This is implemented using a variant of the normal inject:into: pattern.
The reason for this is that it is not known whether we're in the normal
number line, i.e. whether 0 is a good initial value for the sum.
Consider a collection of measurement objects, 0 would be the unitless
value and would not be appropriate to add with the unit-ed objects."
| sum sample |
sample := aBlock value: self anyOne.
sum := self inject: sample into: [ :previousValue :each | previousValue + (aBlock
value: each) ].
^ sum - sample
To some extent, this is more generic than the one we had in Moose that considered only
Collection>>sum: aSymbolOrBlock
^ self
inject: 0
into: [:sum :each | sum + (aSymbolOrBlock value: each)]
However, with the Pharo 2.0 implementation the collection must not be empty, while the
other implementation we get 0. If the collection is empty, you get an exception due to
This induced several errors in metric computations (like number of methods of a package
when the package had no classes). These are now fixed, but I thought I would let you know
just in case you want to rely on this method.
I actually still believe we would benefit from a robust but more limited sum:. Perhaps we
could have sumNumbers:.
"If you can't say why something is relevant,
it probably isn't."
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