Yes, the order is given by the size. The idea here is that you always
know that when you see red it is the most prevalent, blue is second etc.
On 19 Mar 2010, at 16:17, Cyrille Delaunay wrote:
It's a question about the spec of Distribution
We know that the order of properties is fixed and the same across
all containers. That is, elements with property A always come before
elements with property B.
But, how does one choose the order among properties? In the original
VW code, it appears that this order is the increasing order of
properties by the size of their corresponding elements.
That is (in the code below): we sort elements in each part according
to the importance of their property, importance in increasing order.
part elements: (eachPartElements value sort: [ :a :b | a property
importance < b property importance ])
I hope it is clear :)
Cyrille & Simon
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