On 10 February 2012 17:04, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com> wrote:
Hi Nahuel,
It's more the other way around. You should have the bindings before opening the
SmalltalkCodePresentation, and thus you should be able to display them in other places as
For an example, look at the GLMScriptingEditorTemplate hierarchy. These are the editors
based on Glamour for manipulating: Mondrian, EyeSee and Glamour scripts. For these we have
a pane that displays the bindings, and these bindings are also used in the
Ok, I got it. I have another question: Why the GLMSmalltalkCodeModel
doesn't have the "mustDeclareVariables" functionallity present in
Workspace?. I mean, evaluating
a := 3.
being 'a' undeclared, in a Workspace it assigns 'a' to the value 3,
while in the Glamour workspace it raises "Unknown variable". I'm
looking for the Workspace behaviour.