Due to multiple requests, the submission deadline has been extended to July 16.
FAMOOSr 2010 - 4th Workshop on FAMIX and Moose in Reengineering
Co-located with ICSM 2010, Timisoara, Romania
We solicit experience reports and position papers (2-4 pages, IEEE format). Experience
reports will be expected to discuss meta-modeling and software analysis using, but not
limited to, FAMIX or Moose. Position papers will be expected to describe new directions
and challenges for software analysis infrastructures, like FAMIX or Moose.
Papers may address issues along general themes, including but not limited to:
- Analysis specific meta-models for evolution data, dynamic traces, bug entries, etc...
- Meta-modeling in reengineering tools
- Visualization techniques.
- Analysis techniques: clustering, data mining, machine learning, pattern matching,
probabilistic approaches, etc...
- Mechanisms for tool composition and rapid tool prototyping.
- Reusability of research: making research results and tools available to and reusable by
the community.
- Persistency and manipulation of models and meta-models.
Submissions are not limited to FAMIX and Moose or to their active users. We welcome any
related ideas.
During the workshop, authors are expected to present their ideas using a short format,
lasting 3 to 7 minutes, in order to spawn vivid discussions between participants.
Presentations with demos are also warmly welcomed (and may be given 10 minutes). More
information about this format can be found
Submissions should be made via Easychair at
Important dates
- submission: July 16 (extended)
- notification: July 23
- workshop: September 17
- Simon Denier, INRIA Lille, France
- Mircea Lungu, University of Lugano, Switzerland