Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 945 by cunningh...(a) Truncating right yAxis labels in
Charts made look fine in the browser, but if you export to PNG (or other
formats), any labels axis values on a right axis will be truncated.
It should instead keep all drawing within the bounds of the canvas being
drawn on - I believe EyeSee is drawing outside of its bounds (allowed in
Pharo, interstingly, so you don't see the effects except when exporting).
to reproduce:
values := #( 1 5 10 40 70 100).
chart := ESDiagramRenderer new.
(chart verticalBarDiagram)
y: #value;
yAxisLabel: 'Right Label';
preferredAxisMaxY: 111;
models: values;
chart open
then export to PNG (or GIF). Look at that PNG, and you'll see the issue.
Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect
* Component-EyeSee
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