On 19 oct. 07, at 13:27, Adrian Kuhn wrote:
You are right, the standard should specify that as
There are two ways to do it
a) model class side with (modifiers includes: #static)
please do not use static for that. There are not static.
there are classScope.
By the way I changed the importer I do not remeber when so that
we can choose at import time what to do: having a or b
b) model class side as seperate FAMIX.Class instance
In FAMIX 2.2, we from SCG did a) and other groups did b)
I personally would prefer to suggest solution a) as default.
On 19 Oct 2007, at 9:30 , Lukas Renggli wrote:
Even if I am just a lurker here, I dare to ask a
question ...
How do you model classes and meta-classes?
Does a class know if it is a meta-class?
Does a class know is meta-class and vice versa?
I always found the current implementation a bit strange in that
respect, but maybe this is just my Smalltalk centric view? ;-)
Lukas Renggli
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