Le 8 sept. 2014 23:28, "Andrei Chis" <chisvasileandrei(a)gmail.com> a
Hi Phil,
Thanks for your feedback :)
Workspace has a large API. At the moment in the Playground we only
implemented the
On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 9:36 AM, phil(a)highoctane.be <phil(a)highoctane.be>
> When one is in Monticello (Pharo 3.0) and asks for "View Past
on a package, there is a #mnu on GTPlayground
> Not only there but the FileList (aka FileBrowser) has that "Workspace
with contents" command which is broken in the same way.
> There is for sure an interesting equivalent in GTPlayground. Why not
name it as the Workspace thing?
> What is asked:
> edit: aText label: labelString accept:
> "Open an editor on the given string/text"
> ^(Smalltalk tools workspace openLabel:
> acceptContents: aText;
> acceptAction: anAction;
> yourself.
> What GTPlayground implements:
> openContents:
> openContents:label:
> We can deal with openLabel: and
acceptContents but an acceptAction
equivalent is not to be found.
> Also, after looking around (see changeset in attachment), it is hard to
do the acceptContents: as we get a self new openOn: page which isn't
returning anything I can work with to chain acceptContents: to.
What to do there?
For the moment in the implementation of acceptContents: and
acceptAction: from
GLMSystemWindow I delegate to the model, which is
acceptContents: can be easily implemented this
way but acceptAction:
it's a little more problematic. I need to look more at
how it behaves in
Workspace but from what I've see we can get the same behaviour if when
calling acceptAction: I set the given action to be executed on cmd+s
> Also, there is a super annoying thing in the GTPlayground, namely the
disappearance of the top right menu, with all the interesting options that
are in there and that I do use all the time (like open/save, previous
contents, ...). What's the point of a Playground if I can't save my plays?
I think I am missing something here.
This features are just not implemented yet.
We were thinking of a more general and automatic way of saving the
content of the
workspace but did't manage to implemented yet.
For the previous content you have access to the
entire history of the
workspace. Do you find it intuitive?
What other actions from the top down menu are
missing for you?
> I now have to go back to the old Workspace for the default.
> It may be good to have a way to have the
playground as a specific menu
> I've started using the ZnWorkspace and as it extends the Workspace, its
features aren't picked up in GTPlayground of course.
> Now, it may be great to include those
Pastebin style things into
GTPlayground so that we can all play together from
little urls from Twitter
I'll have a look at ZnWorkspace. Did't use it yet :)
I also integrated your changeset.
If want to fix more bugs in the future feel free to commit directly in
the Moose
I can add you as a contributor if you're not
one already.
I am not. Add me please.
Done :)
I would be pleased to be of help with GToolkit.
Any help is welcomed :)
> BTW is there a version which works well with the dark theme? As you can
> see from the screenshot things are hard to read. Uko maybe has something?
Not that I know of. The main problem is that
Moose is still in Pharo 3
where the black theme is still a "hack", so not every setting can be
properly customised. But the move to Phato 4 should happen soon, and then
things should improve.
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