On Dec 3, 2009, at 1:59 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
Hi Stef,
how should I do it?
without default of course. because you know I want to be able to load any version from
I know you want that, but the tools are not quite in place to make it practical.
what is missing.
In pharo I get all the packages filter the one I want and this is done.
So can I suggest that we stop fixing moose before this point is fixed!
Like that we will all avoid to lose time.
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMoose) project version: '4.0-beta.2') load.
load the latest version of mondrian?
The above method will load the exact version of Mondrian that is mentioned in the
4.0-beta.2 configuration of Moose,
so this is useless
In a word how can I avoid to lose hours with
loading Moose?
First of all, bashing does not help anyone :).
There are two workflows that are supported at the moment:
- load the latest for development
- load a certain release
You want another use case in which you publish a hardcoded version every time you
publish. Metacello supports that, but you need tool support for that. In fact, this
probably belongs in a nightly build and it should not be done manually.
Unfortunately, while I would love to have the perfect tools around, they are just not
quite what they should be just yet. But, of course, if someone wants to invest time there,
I would be very happy.
The problem is that with Moose-All we got that behavior and now we lost it.
I do not know Metacello to be able to do that.
I thought that there is a button to generate the method?
So why if there is such a button it would be difficult to have a version released all the
I do not get it.