beautiful , great work guys, Roassal is turning gradually to a full blown
graphics engine. With people start building widgets it may even become our
new GUI API. I was sceptical at first (because I saw mainly as a object
illustration engine) but I really like where you have taken it. Its clean,
beautiful and self evident. The code is really readable. Definetly going to
use for my project and I will need tons of graphics and flexible guis.
Thank you for sharing this .
On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 8:29 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)>
Pierre did an excellent work on having gradient lines.
| v elem1 elem2 edge |
v := RTView new.
elem1 := (RTEllipse new color: (Color blue alpha:0.3); size:20) elementOn:
elem2 := (RTEllipse new color: (Color red alpha:0.9); size:20) elementOn:
elem2 translateBy: 300@0.
v add: elem1.
v add: elem2.
edge := RTEdge from:elem1 to:elem2.
v add: (edge + (RTGradientColoredLine new colors: (Array with: (elem1
color) with: (elem2 color)); precision: 100; gradientColorShape)).
v open
| v elem1 elem2 edge |
v := RTView new.
elem1 := (RTEllipse new color: (Color red alpha:0.3); size:20) elementOn:
elem2 := (RTEllipse new color: (Color red alpha:0.9); size:20) elementOn:
elem2 translateBy: 300@0.
v add: elem1.
v add: elem2.
edge := RTEdge from:elem1 to:elem2.
v add: (edge + (RTGradientColoredLine new colors: (Array with: (elem1
color) with: (elem2 color)); precision: 100; gradientColorShape)).
v open
Feedback are welcomed!
Pierre & Alexandre
Alexandre Bergel
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