Thank you, Stef!
This is very cool. Finally, we can have a process that can accommodate both working on the
latest version and having reproducibility.
On Jan 29, 2013, at 12:44 AM, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse(a)> wrote:
And I forgot but I want to thanks Dale for the help.
He spotted the bug much faster than me.
Hi guys
I finished to find a stupid bug today. Now the moose reloader works.
The idea is that you can freeze a complete Moose tools and be able to take a 1.4 image
and reload all the packages
that were loaded when you snapshot it.
I could reload the latest version of Moose in a 1.4 image.
I published the result on ConfigurationOfMoose.
Gofer new
url: ''
username: ''
password: '';
package: 'ReloaderForMoose';
Here is the comment of this class.
I'm a kind of saver/loader that knows how to save and load list of packages by
recursively navigating metacello configurationOf. To work I need a metacello record and a
place to save package version.
Here are examples to create a spec of packages to be saved.
In an image containing the loaded configuration of the tools you want to version execute
the following:
Reloader new
configurationRecordInput: (((Smalltalk globals at: #ConfigurationOfMoose) project
version: 'default') ignoreImage: true; record) ;
repositoryClass: MooseConfigurationRepositoryForPharo14;
Reloader new
configurationRecordInput: (((Smalltalk globals at: #ConfigurationOfMoose) project
version: 'default') ignoreImage: true; record) ;
repositoryClass: ConfigurationOfMoose;
It will produce a method called scriptXxx in the repositoryClass you specify.
Here is an example of such method.
^ #(
'' 'ConfigurationOfFame' )
'' 'ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos' )
You can then use this method as follows, for example in a ConfigurationOf you can
flatVersion47: spec
<version: '4.7-flat'>
spec for: #common do: [
self populateSpec: spec with: self script5 ]
Note that the populateSpec: with: is generated when necessary.
In another image you can reload the configuration in two different ways:
either by using metacello or by using the reloader.
Using metacello is simple if you created a method similar to
flatVersion47: spec
<version: '4.7-flat'>
spec for: #common do: [
self populateSpec: spec with: self script5 ]
just execute
(ConfigurationOfMoose project version: '4.7-flat') load
If you do not use a configurationOf you can simply invoke the method reload: with the
number of the script
using the method
reload: aNumber
and it will load all the packages you previously specified.
will load the latest script version
Typical use cases are:
Reloader new
repositoryClass: MooseConfigurationRepositoryForPharo14;
reload: 2
Reloader new
repositoryClass: SynectiqueCaseOneConfigurationRepository;
Reloader new
repositoryClass: SynectiqueCaseOneConfigurationRepository;
loginSpecification: {{ '*squeaksource*' . 'sd' . 'xyxyx'} . {
'*ss3*' . 'StephaneDucasse' . 'xxxx'} . { '*' . ''
. ''}};
reload: 2
Implementation Notes.
First version fully working on metacello records.
Let me know if it works for you.
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