For the
laggered tree, I know how to easily avoid crossing, but I need to know fo each node if
it's on the lower or the upper layer. And the ROElement don't know that.
Alex why your RoElement does not hold a dictionary in which each algorithm can add the
properties it wants?
It has exactly that. You can do "ROElement new attributes at: #one put: 1"
I've tried some little things with generic graphs, now all the compact trees accept
generic graphs, I mean graphs with cycle and forests. You just have to give a root to your
But there's a problem, what to do with unreachable nodes ? For instance I put them on
the side, but if you have another ideƩ tell me.
Gofer it
smalltalkhubUser: 'MathieuDehouck' project: 'RoassalAlgorithm';
package: 'Roassal-Algotithm';
| rawView view group listOfNodes listOfLinks layout |
rawView := ROView new.
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder view: rawView.
"enter your script below"
group := Dictionary new.
"Creation of the group"
listOfNodes := #(#('Myriel' 1) #('Napoleon' 1) #('MlleBaptistine'
1) #('MmeMagloire' 1) #('CountessdeLo' 1) #('Geborand' 1)
#('Champtercier' 1) #('Cravatte' 1) #('Count' 1)
#('OldMan' 1) #('Labarre' 2) #('Valjean' 2) #('Marguerite'
3) #('MmedeR' 2) #('Isabeau' 2) #('Gervais' 2)
#('Tholomyes' 3) #('Listolier' 3) #('Fameuil' 3)
#('Blacheville' 3) #('Favourite' 3) #('Dahlia' 3)
#('Zephine' 3) #('Fantine' 3) #('MmeThenardier' 4)
#('Thenardier' 4) #('Cosette' 5) #('Javert' 4)
#('Fauchelevent' 0) #('Bamatabois' 2) #('Perpetue' 3)
#('Simplice' 2) #('Scaufflaire' 2) #('Woman1' 2) #('Judge'
2) #('Champmathieu' 2) #('Brevet' 2) #('Chenildieu' 2)
#('Cochepaille' 2) #('Pontmercy' 4) #('Boulatruelle' 6)
#('Eponine' 4) #('Anzelma' 4) #('Woman2' 5)
#('MotherInnocent' 0) #('Gribier' 0) #('Jondrette' 7)
#('MmeBurgon' 7) #('Gavroche' 8) #('Gillenormand' 5)
#('Magnon' 5) #('MlleGillenormand' 5) #('MmePontmercy' 5)
#('MlleVaubois' 5) #('LtGillenormand' 5) #('Marius' 8)
#('BaronessT' 5) #('Mabeuf' 8) #('Enjolras' 8)
#('Combeferre' 8) #('Prouvaire' 8) #('Feuilly' 8)
#('Courfeyrac' 8) #('Bahorel' 8) #('Bossuet' 8) #('Joly'
8) #('Grantaire' 8) #('MotherPlutarch' 9) #('Gueulemer' 4)
#('Babet' 4) #('Claquesous' 4) #('Montparnasse' 4)
#('Toussaint' 5) #('Child1' 10) #('Child2' 10) #('Brujon'
4) #('MmeHucheloup' 8)).
listOfNodes do: [ :pair | group at: pair second put: pair first ].
listOfLinks := #( #(1 0 1) #(2 0 8) #(3 0 10) #(3 2 6) #(4 0 1) #(5 0 1) #(6 0 1) #(7 0
1) #(8 0 2) #(9 0 1) #(11 10 1) #(11 3 3) #(11 2 3) #(11 0 5) #(12 11 1) #(13 11 1) #(14
11 1) #(15 11 1) #(17 16 4) #(18 16 4) #(18 17 4) #(19 16 4) #(19 17 4) #(19 18 4) #(20 16
3) #(20 17 3) #(20 18 3) #(20 19 4) #(21 16 3) #(21 17 3) #(21 18 3) #(21 19 3) #(21 20 5)
#(22 16 3) #(22 17 3) #(22 18 3) #(22 19 3) #(22 20 4) #(22 21 4) #(23 16 3) #(23 17 3)
#(23 18 3) #(23 19 3) #(23 20 4) #(23 21 4) #(23 22 4) #(23 12 2) #(23 11 9) #(24 23 2)
#(24 11 7) #(25 24 13) #(25 23 1) #(25 11 12) #(26 24 4) #(26 11 31) #(26 16 1) #(26 25 1)
#(27 11 17) #(27 23 5) #(27 25 5) #(27 24 1) #(27 26 1) #(28 11 8) #(28 27 1) #(29 23 1)
#(29 27 1) #(29 11 2) #(30 23 1) #(31 30 2) #(31 11 3) #(31 23 2) #(31 27 1) #(32 11 1)
#(33 11 2) #(33 27 1) #(34 11 3) #(34 29 2) #(35 11 3) #(35 34 3) #(35 29 2) #(36 34 2)
#(36 35 2) #(36 11 2) #(36 29 1) #(37 34 2) #(37 35 2) #(37 36 2) #(37 11 2) #(37 29 1)
#(38 34 2) #(38 35 2) #(38 36 2) #(38 37 2) #(38 11 2) #(38 29 1) #(39 25 1) #(40 25 1)
#(41 24 2) #(41 25 3) #(42 41 2) #(42 25 2) #(42 24 1) #(43 11 3) #(43 26 1) #(43 27 1)
#(44 28 3) #(44 11 1) #(45 28 2) #(47 46 1) #(48 47 2) #(48 25 1) #(48 27 1) #(48 11 1)
#(49 26 3) #(49 11 2) #(50 49 1) #(50 24 1) #(51 49 9) #(51 26 2) #(51 11 2) #(52 51 1)
#(52 39 1) #(53 51 1) #(54 51 2) #(54 49 1) #(54 26 1) #(55 51 6) #(55 49 12) #(55 39 1)
#(55 54 1) #(55 26 21) #(55 11 19) #(55 16 1) #(55 25 2) #(55 41 5) #(55 48 4) #(56 49 1)
#(56 55 1) #(57 55 1) #(57 41 1) #(57 48 1) #(58 55 7) #(58 48 7) #(58 27 6) #(58 57 1)
#(58 11 4) #(59 58 15) #(59 55 5) #(59 48 6) #(59 57 2) #(60 48 1) #(60 58 4) #(60 59 2)
#(61 48 2) #(61 58 6) #(61 60 2) #(61 59 5) #(61 57 1) #(61 55 1) #(62 55 9) #(62 58 17)
#(62 59 13) #(62 48 7) #(62 57 2) #(62 41 1) #(62 61 6) #(62 60 3) #(63 59 5) #(63 48 5)
#(63 62 6) #(63 57 2) #(63 58 4) #(63 61 3) #(63 60 2) #(63 55 1) #(64 55 5) #(64 62 12)
#(64 48 5) #(64 63 4) #(64 58 10) #(64 61 6) #(64 60 2) #(64 59 9) #(64 57 1) #(64 11 1)
#(65 63 5) #(65 64 7) #(65 48 3) #(65 62 5) #(65 58 5) #(65 61 5) #(65 60 2) #(65 59 5)
#(65 57 1) #(65 55 2) #(66 64 3) #(66 58 3) #(66 59 1) #(66 62 2) #(66 65 2) #(66 48 1)
#(66 63 1) #(66 61 1) #(66 60 1) #(67 57 3) #(68 25 5) #(68 11 1) #(68 24 1) #(68 27 1)
#(68 48 1) #(68 41 1) #(69 25 6) #(69 68 6) #(69 11 1) #(69 24 1) #(69 27 2) #(69 48 1)
#(69 41 1) #(70 25 4) #(70 69 4) #(70 68 4) #(70 11 1) #(70 24 1) #(70 27 1) #(70 41 1)
#(70 58 1) #(71 27 1) #(71 69 2) #(71 68 2) #(71 70 2) #(71 11 1) #(71 48 1) #(71 41 1)
#(71 25 1) #(72 26 2) #(72 27 1) #(72 11 1) #(73 48 2) #(74 48 2) #(74 73 3) #(75 69 3)
#(75 68 3) #(75 25 3) #(75 48 1) #(75 41 1) #(75 70 1) #(75 71 1) #(76 64 1) #(76 65 1)
#(76 66 1) #(76 63 1) #(76 62 1) #(76 48 1) #(76 58 1)).
view shape circle size: 8.
view nodes: (listOfNodes collect: #first).
edges: listOfLinks
from: [ :triple | (listOfNodes at: (triple first + 1)) first ]
to: [ :triple | (listOfNodes at: (triple second + 1)) first].
layout := ROVerticalCompactTree new.
layout root:( view nodes at: 65).
layout initialLayout: ROVerticalLineLayout.
view layout: layout.
view applyLayout.
view edges do: [ :e| e ].
ROEaselMorphic new populateMenuOn: view.
view open
If you take off the roo: it won't work.
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Alexandre Bergel