Comment #1 on issue 831 by google....(a) Rossal problem with
nested node translation to left of 0@0
oh... the test code will help! It is very slightly modified in the last
three lines from that used for the attached images, only since I was
calling a method I hacked in. This example was tested on Roassal.288.
paramNodeCount := 3.
translator := ROLayoutTranslator default.
view := ROView new.
outer1 := (ROElement spriteOn: ' outer positive translation') +
ROLabel .
(1 to: paramNodeCount) do:
[ :n |
Transcript crShow: n.
el := (ROElement spriteOn: n).
el addShape: (ROLabel text:
[ :elDynamic |
n asString, String crlf,
elDynamic bounds origin asString, String crlf,
outer1 bounds origin asString
] ) .
outer1 add: el.
translator translate: el to: 50 * ( n@n ).
view add: outer1.
outer2 := (ROElement spriteOn: ' outer negative translation' ) +
ROLabel .
(1 to: paramNodeCount) do:
[ :n |
Transcript crShow: n.
el := (ROElement spriteOn: n) .
el addShape: (ROLabel text:
[ :elDynamic |
n negated asString, String crlf,
elDynamic bounds origin asString, String crlf,
outer2 bounds origin asString
] ) .
outer2 add: el.
translator translate: el to: -50 * ( n@n ).
view add: outer2.
translator translate: outer1 to: outer2 bounds origin negated.
translator translate: outer2 to: 0@0.
view openInWindow.