While checking some packaging today, I noticed that the Kernel package is dirty because
Mondrian seems to override ClassDescription>>numberOfLinesOfCode
Kernel implementation:
"Return the number of lines of code"
| str |
str := String new writeStream.
Object fileOutOn: str.
^ str contents lineCount
Mondrian impl:
^ self methods inject: 5 into: [ :sum :compiledMethod |
(compiledMethod propertyValueAt: #numberOfLinesOfCode)
ifNil: [ compiledMethod
propertyValueAt: #numberOfLinesOfCode
put: compiledMethod getSource lineCount ].
sum + (compiledMethod propertyValueAt: #numberOfLinesOfCode) ]
I am not sure I understand the purpose of the override. Caching? Why is there a 'self
methods inject: 5' at the beginning?
And, do we absolutely need this override? :)