I tried to understand that may be I could customized the MAdescription to render the
object differently but I failed too :(
I think that I found something that could be improved.
magritteDescriptionInstanceFor: aType
| instance |
instance := MAStringDescription new
self isMultivalued ifTrue: [^ instance].
aType = FM3 boolean ifTrue: [ instance := MABooleanDescription new ].
aType = FM3 string ifTrue: [ instance := MAStringDescription new ].
aType = FM3 number ifTrue: [ instance := MANumberDescription new ].
^ instance
magritteDescriptionInstanceFor: aType
| instance |
instance := MAStringDescription new
self isMultivalued ifTrue: [^ instance].
aType = FM3 boolean ifTrue: [ ^ MABooleanDescription new ].
aType = FM3 string ifTrue: [^ MAStringDescription new ].
aType = FM3 number ifTrue: [ ^ MANumberDescription new ].
^ instance
but this does not solve my problem
On Apr 9, 2012, at 10:11 PM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
I would like to save the annotations (and annotation creation) with a model.
Do you have an idea where to start looking for?
Because so far I'm puzzled since this is a Magritte description of FameEntity.
I have a question why FM3Element does not have a magritteDescription but description?
should I fix it because even if we use pragma I prefer when this is regular.
FM3Element >>descriptionName
^ MAStringDescription new
accessor: #name;
default: 'noname';
label: 'Name';
priority: 100;
^ MASingleOptionDescription new
accessor: #type;
label: 'Type';
priority: 300;
default: FM3 boolean;
options: {FM3 number . FM3 string . FM3 boolean};
FM3 number returns an AnonymousClass.
I saw that FM3 number create a FM3MetaDescription which describes a class.
I'm not sure that I need to add new species may be boolean, string and number are
enough. Now I would like to change the an Anonymous in the UI a least.
I suggest that we create an instance of a subclass of Class (I called it
FM3AnonymousClass) so that we can customize the printing and other behavior the way we
I did it but changing printOn: in such class is not invoked so I'm confused (but now
I understand but still I found that confusing).
| class |
class := Class new.
class superclass: self.
class setFormat: self format.
class methodDictionary: MethodDictionary new.
class methodDictionary at: #isPrimitive put: (self methodDictionary at:
class setName: 'AnonymousClass'.
Do you know the relationship between such anonymous classes and FM3etaDescrption?
The class comment does not say much on that :(
When I read the code I guess that FM3 is a subclass of FM3MetaDescription (not sure that
the superclass is FM3MetaDescription or FM3MetaDescription class), now I do not know what
is the real advantages compared to have real subclasses of FM3MEtaDescription (besides
being cool and yes we can do it syndrome).
Now what confused me was that
FM3 number superclass is FM3Object and I got it
number isNil ifTrue: [
number := self numberClass basicNew.
number initialize.
number name: #Number.
For changing the printOn: method I imagine that it should be put in the
class methodDictionary at: #printOn: put: (self methodDictionary at:
| class |
class := FM3AnonymousClass new.
class superclass: self.
class setFormat: self format.
class methodDictionary: MethodDictionary new.
class methodDictionary at: #isPrimitive put: (self methodDictionary at:
class methodDictionary at: #printOn: put: (self methodDictionary at:
#anonymousPrintOn:). <-------
class setName: 'AnonymousClass'.
but it means that to define it in FM3MetaDescription. But so far it did not work… I will
try again.
I have problem to see the added value to recreate an independent class and metaclass
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