+1. This project would have quite an impact.
On May 22, 2013, at 8:38 AM, Nicolas Anquetil <Nicolas.Anquetil(a)inria.fr> wrote:
We have submitted a project to improve and extend FAST (Famix-AST metamodel).
If you are a GSOC mentors I would like to encourage you to vote for this project (and
give it the highest note ;-) ).
I believe it will open many new opportunities for Moose in terms of metrics computation
at the level of the model, refactoring possibilities, rule checking (MooseLint), language
convertion, new queries, etc.
The student for this project already worked with us in the past (on Pharo) and he is
capable of doing it.
Nicolas Anquetil -- RMod research team (Inria)
Moose-dev mailing list
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