On Aug 7, 2016, at 11:10 PM, Nicolai Hess
<nicolaihess(a)gmail.com> wrote:
2016-08-07 22:36 GMT+02:00 Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com>om>:
Since yesterday, all Moose-related jobs are failing. These are built on top of Pharo 5.0
stable, downloaded like this:
wget --quiet -O -
http://get.pharo.org/50+vm | bash
We did not change anything in the projects that fail, and locally on Mac, I can load any
of the code without problems. The jobs are running Linux.
So, I am wondering if anything else has changed in Pharo 5.0.
In particular, the error is quite strange. It looks like this:
[31mError: MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "finish" is nil
[ :err :rcvr |
| errCtx errMorph |
errCtx := thisContext.
[ errCtx := errCtx sender.
"Search the sender chain to find the morph causing the problem"
[ errCtx notNil and: [ errCtx receiver isMorph not ] ]
whileTrue: [ errCtx := errCtx sender ].
"If we're at the root of the context chain then we have a fatal drawing
errCtx ifNil: [ ^ self handleFatalDrawingError: err ].
errMorph := errCtx receiver.
I think this is the same reported here:
18706 Build of Pharo5 is broken
Hmm, indeed it looks quite the same, but in our case, the problem appeared only today
while the report of Dale is older. Yesterday, our jobs worked well. What could be at play
to explain that?
See more at:
Any idea of what might be wrong?
"We cannot reach the flow of things unless we let go."
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