The ColorPalette in Roassal2 is quite cool, but we should refactor the code
to not rely on strings.
An example:
|n elements view|
n := RTBucketColor numberOfColors: 5 command: #asInteger scope: ($a to: $z).
n colorScheme: 'Blues'.
elements := (RTBox new size: 20; color: n) elementsOn: ($a to: $z).
view := RTView new.
view addAll: elements.
RTGridLayout on: view elements.
view open.
'Blues' is actually an identifier that is looked up in all the rawPalette
keys returned by the subclasses of ColorPalette.
This is not nice. We should have for each palette a method with the same
name, and the colorScheme: should work with an object like:
n colorScheme: CPSequential blues
Do we agree on this?
"Every thing has its own flow"