On 26 Sep 2007, at 16:33 , Orla Greevy wrote:
In my opinion we should aim to be as flexible as the
Java world
e.g. Checkstyle, tomcat, etc.
I do not understand.
In the case of the above mentioned tools, they can be used by
anyone in any context, i.e. commerical or non commerical.
Which are usually under GPL or compatible. GPL has the nice property
that any non-commercial contributer can be sure no one will ever
commercialize his contributions; but still any commercial user can
use it or sell services on top of it, and in case of LGPL even build
products on top of it. My concern as researcher is that BSD does
fully satisfy the interest of non-commercial contributers in the same
way. Maybe that got lost in all the rant with Doru.