Hi Johan,
I am not really considering this as a parser, as the
plugin would
directly rely on the Eclipse model of the underlying code, which
solves the parsing issues for us. (But certainly there will be other
issues :-/ )
Sure, the parsing part will be solved, but you will still have to deal
with the evolution of the AST and the interpretation of the AST, which
is not trivial at all.
It's cool to see that there has been work done
before on that! So my
question is what we can learn of these efforts, what is the story
here? Is there any clear picture on what was wrong with these
multiple plugins and how each successive attempt solved/failed to
solve issues ?
Well, probably Moose Brewer is the most advanced and up to date
solution, being also the latest effort.
The main problem is that people have just left or shifted their
interest. The Moose Brewer and j2moose plugins were started by
students and as they left, nobody picked them up. jfamix was started
by Frank Buchli as a side project, but as he got more busy with work
he shifted away.
In the end, nobody picked these projects up and they all remained
So, all in all, the main lesson for me is that this kind of projects
should not be dealt with through a one-time effort.
On 30 Dec 2009, at 13:45, Tudor Girba wrote:
Hi Johan,
Sure there is plenty of interest for any parser :).
In fact, we had several Eclipse plugins as Moose exporters:
Alex also worked on a Java parser written in VW:
Yet another solution was based on JavaConnect/Penumbra:
Unfortunately, none of these are maintained anymore. In general,
the problem with parsers is that they are tedious to maintain for
complicated languages, because many problems appear in very
specific contexts.
So, we need solutions that have support behind, and inFusion is
great because it has it, and I maintain the exporter to make sure
it is working with the latest Moose.
But, as I said, there is always more interest in getting more
importers around Moose, and it would be great if someone would be
willing to invest longer term effort into :).
On 30 Dec 2009, at 16:47, Johan Fabry wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was just thinking about the Java import for moose, I am
> wondering how many people are using moose to analyze Java code. I
> think an interesting alternative to using infusion would be an
> Eclipse plugin that exports to mse-famix3. Is there any interest
> here for such a plugin?
Johan Fabry
jfabry(a)dcc.uchile.cl -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
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