Cool animations!!!
We start to have a real and nice infrastructure. This is cool!
Make a video and compete to the Roassal contest!
If you have distribution map, why do you propose the tree layout since there is no edges?
Alexandre Bergel
On Apr 22, 2014, at 6:20 AM, Leo Perard <leo.perard(a)> wrote:
Hi everybody,
I'm working on vizualisation with Roassal2 and I would like to have some feedbacks on
my work.
You can vizualise some elements in their containers and test a property on the elements.
You have the legend build with the property and a menu (not a lot of features in the menu
but it will come).
Edges are not available yet, but I'm working on it.
The repository :
location: ''
user: ''
password: ''
To load the project : ConfigurationOfTelescope load
To play with it you can follow this example :
| telescope |
telescope := TLTelescope new onContainers: Collection withAllSubclasses elements:
#authors properties: #yourself.
telescope numberOfColors: 9. "optional"
telescope open
| telescope |
telescope := TLTelescope new onElements: Collection withAllSubclasses containers:
#package properties: [ :class | class numberOfLinesOfCode > 30 ].
telescope numberOfColors: 9. "optional"
telescope open
If you have any ideas, or find somes bugs do not hesitate to report to me.
Leo Perard
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