Currently FM3 does not allow other default, question
is if we really
need that, as we have no usecase yet. @Lukas, how is it in Magritte?
Defaults for primitve attributes are straight forward, whereas
default values for other attributes lead into the whole meta-behavior
I would default values to be class-defined... For boolean = False is ok
for our purpose with Famix (that's then also where it came from, me
noticing that there were too many false's in the text), but this is not
really a good solution for all situations. Lukas already told me that
his default value for some booleans where true. I really think that
(since for the files itself it doesn't really matter) it would be better
to have some "default" tag in fm3-specified documents, so you can
customize. (equivalent is the body of the initialize)