You are right Doru.
There is a simple process to build a simple DSM.
The use of configuration is for all DSM and CycleTable.
Now, all the DSM (simple and more complex ones) and CycleTable are working.
On Jul 6, 2011, at 15:42 , Tudor Girba wrote:
Wait. What do you mean that I have to implement
methods in my domain classes to use DSM. There was a way to build the matrix by mapping my
domain entities with blocks.
Why don't you use that route? Is that not doable anymore? It should be.
On 6 Jul 2011, at 14:33, Nicolas Anquetil wrote:
> But
you have to write two methods:
> - one in your plugin, named configurationOfCell that redirect to a
> method in DSMCell named configurationForEclipsePlugin.
> This configuration is the build of links between plugins.
"in your plugin" ???
In the Eclipse plugins ?
I don't understand ...
it is a method in FamixEclipsePlugin
so it is already implemented, no?
so "you" (meaning us not you :-) ) don't have to write it, no?
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