what is FMMultivalueLink?
A subclass of Collection.
parentClass: aType
parentClass := FMMultivalueLink on: self
update: #attributes
from: self parentClass
to: aType
parentClass set: aType
I'm probably too stupid to understand but let us try.
This is a class-method but not a constructor!
#on:update:from:to: updates the opposite end of a link
#on:opposite: *creates* a new link instance
I do not understand why at the metamodel level I need
to have in the
runtime objects of the metametamodel.
It is not, metametamodel classes start with 'FM3'.
Long long time ago I did a stupid code generator that
took a stupid
MMModel and generated plain code for the metamodel.
Why this is not like that with FAMIX30
in the latest version?
why do we trade space **and** speed for a meta stuff?
You dont trade.
Space is the same -> a link consist of a collection on one side and
of a naked inst var on the other side.
Speed is the same -> it does the minimal set of operations in order
to update both ends.
So do I have to code a code generator?
No, Fame offers a ready-to-use code generator.
Or just replace all the FMMultivalueLink myself?
No need.
I'm confused I thought that the new FAME was