Hi all,
I am trying to understand how to use the MOForms builder in the following script in the
context of a FAMIXClassGroup
view shape rectangle
height: [ :cls | cls numberOfMethods ];
width: [ :cls | cls numberOfAttributes ];
view nodes: self entities forEach: [:each | | builder |
view shape rectangle.
builder := MOFormsBuilder new.
builder column ; fill.
builder row; fill ; row ; fill.
builder x: 1 y: 1 add: MORectangleShape new.
builder x: 1 y: 1 add: (MOLabelShape new text: [ :e | e name ]).
builder x: 1 y: 2 add: (self viewMethodsForClass: each onView: view).
view layout: builder asLayout.
edges: self entities
from: [ :cls | cls superclass ].
view treeLayout
where the method #viewMethodsForClass:onView: is as follows:
viewMethodsForClass: class onView: view
view shape rectangle.
^view node: class forIt: [
view shape rectangle.
view nodes: class methods.
view gridLayout.]
What I would like to get is, for each class, a composite figure with
- a label on top
- a composite figure where each subfigure represent a method
Ideally the label and the composite should also be centrally aligned.
However, with my script I get figure attached.