What we will try to do with Pavel, alain, anne and me (probably nicolas)
in contact with Peter starting january is the following
Define another metametamodel (trying to use Pharo + Slot for
relationships + invariant = Pharom)
- this metameta should be able to have different syntaxes
OpenPonk, Express, Pharo
- This metameta should does not need types :) sorry I did not get at all
the remark of guillaume
And in particular there is a difference between a static type and a
concrete type systems.
Take Famix 3 -> Famix3NG and break it appart to get composable pieces
and use Pharom to describe FamixNG
We are open to discussions but to a certain extent.
Then we will work on optimise for space.
In addition we will do a call to collect all the points that should be
improve in Moose.
We will
and tackle them