I'm working on my project Grafoscopio, to provide a outliner/notebook
like experience to write and visualize data. Details can be found on [1].
I want to create modal nodes by tagging them, so If I mark a node like
code it can behave like a workspace and execute code. You can see a
small demo of this feature on [2]
My code for tagging nodes is this:
UI>>addTagsTo: a Node
"Tags the node passed as argument with a value from the collection of
tags available"
| selection |
tagsAvailable isNil
ifFalse: [
selection := UIManager default chooseFrom: tagsAvailable title:
'Elija una etiqueta'.
aNode tagAs: (tagsAvailable at: selection)
ifTrue: [self messageNoTagsAvailable].
browser update.
But I have three questions:
i. How Can I update the nodes views/behaviour without revisiting them?
The code in [a] is updating the node trees, but not the particular node
ii. How can I made the code in a node tagged as "code" get executed?
iii. Can I embed playgrounds instead of workspaces in a browser pane,
with the possibility to explore objects and get more details about them?