On 07 Dec 2013, at 19:06, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse(a)inria.fr> wrote:
Ok but my script (which does not work is
view shape rectangle size: [:each | each classes size * 5 ].
view shape withCenteredText: [:each | (MalKontractor reduce: each name upTo: 8) ].
view nodes: packageGroup.
view gridLayout
how do I turn that in roassal.
Where can I find an example?
Is there a roassal easel? or is the roassal easel bot for mondrian and roassal?
Oh, ok.
rawView := view raw.
rawView addAll: (ROElement forCollection: packageGroup).
rawView elements do: [ :el |
el size: el model classes size * 5.
el + ROBorder.
el + (ROCenteredLabel text: [ MalKontractor reduce: el model name upTo: 8 ]) ].
ROGridLayout on: rawView elements.
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