Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 894 by benjamin...(a) Roassal revised ROSelection and
Initially I contributed ROSelection as part of the rubberbanding feature.
The attached changeset generalizes it a bit and provides the folllowing
example of its use.
activeSelection := ROSelection new
onInclusion: [ :element | ROHighlightElement on: element color: Color red
onExclusion: [ :element | ROUnhighlightElement on: element ].
statusBar := (ROElement on: activeSelection) + (ROLabel text: [ :el | el
model asString ]) + ROBox white.
view stack add: statusBar.
statusBar translateTo: 0 @ 480.
view shape label.
view interaction on: ROMouseLeftClick do:
[ :ann |
activeSelection clear.
activeSelection add: ann element.
view nodes: #(1 2 3 4 5).
view gridLayout.
There are two things I need help with:
1. Deselecting all elements when clicking on the background.**
2. Multiple selection, which if I knew the right way to work with the
announcement events, would conceptually be as simple as the following
[ :ann |
ann isShiftClicked ifFalse: [ activeSelection clear ].
activeSelection add: ann element.
**may also relate to Issue 884 comment #9 .
ROSelectionAndExample.1.cs 1.4 KB