mooseFinderMetanoolIn: composite
<moosePresentationOrder: 10>
composite magritte
title: 'Meta editor';
titleIcon: MooseIcons mooseEditor;
display: [:anObject | anObject mooseInterestingEntity ];
act: [:m |
| result annotationDescription |
annotationDescription := MTLAnnotationDescription new.
result := annotationDescription asMorph addButtons addWindow callInWorld.
In Moose 4.7 the previous line open an empty window with save and cancel
in 4.6 it opens a name and list of type.
I checked and annotationDescription instance variables are exactly the same in both
Now this is really complex to understand, since I do not know what changed in magritte in
Any idea?
self halt.
(result notNil) ifTrue: [
m entity mooseInterestingEntity mooseDescription attributes add:
m update ] ]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd entitled: 'Add annotation';
description: [ :anObject |
| description |
description := MAContainer new.
description label: anObject mooseDescription name.
anObject mooseDescription allAttributes do: [ :attribute |
(attribute isKindOf: MTLAnnotationDescription) ifTrue: [
description add: attribute asMagritteDescription ] ].
"anObject mooseDescription asMagritteDescription"