Hi Alex,
Could you add an entry in the documentation for this one?
On Oct 21, 2008, at 9:56 AM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Thanks Radu,
On 21 Oct 2008, at 09:47, Radu Marinescu wrote:
Hi Alex,
there is no HOWTO (at least none that I know of... may be Doru has
one). But here is in brief how you should do it.
1. Go on a Windows machine (VM is also ok)
2. From the iPlasma package go to iPlasma/tools/mcc and start
mcc.exe with the following parameters
mcc <source_folder> <dat_folder>
whereby <source_folder> = the root folder of your source files
(take care to indicate a folder that includes BOTH .c and the
HEADER files .h !!)
<dat_folder> = is a folder that you create somewhere on the
disk. It's the place where mcc will place its results. After
mcc.exe has run, the <dat_folder> should contain a set of *.dat
3. From the iPlasma package go to iPlasma/tools/iPlasma folder and
depending on the machine you are using start iPlasma using
build.sh (on UNIX/Mac) resp. insider.bat (on Windows)
4. After the GUI of iPlasma (called Insider) started select from
the menu Load | C++ (from Mcc tables) ... as in the first figure.
5. In the "Model loader" that will open in the "Source path" edit
field specify the <dat_folder> created in Step 2. You don't have
to write anything in the "Cache file name" field.
6. After the model has bee created from the *.dat files found in
the <dat_folder>, in the right panel right-click on the root
entity (the System) and from the pop-up menu select "Run Tool...|
Moose MSE Exporter" . In the window that will pop-up you have to
specify the name of the MSE file to be created (with complete
path!)... and wait until the MSE file is created.
For large projects this might take a while, and unfortunately
there is no progress bar, nor any obvious sign that the process is
completed. You can check that the process is completed in 2 ways:
a. check that the MSE file stops to be modified (in Finder)
b. check if the iPlasma frontend is responsive (if it is then the
process is finished)
I hope this helps!
Concerning the other enhancements, although we are late compared
to what we promised, the update will arrive very soon (hopefully
earlier than a week from today).
Use Eclipse? Try inCode!
On Oct 17, 2008, at 1:28 PM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
I went through
http://loose.upt.ro/iplasma/, but I am unsure how
to generate MSE files from a set of .c files.
I do not know how to generate tables from MCC, MEMORIA.
Is there a short howto on this?
Alexandre Bergel
Alexandre Bergel
"In a world where everything is moving ever faster,
one might have better chances to win by moving slower."