Hi folks,
I created some builders to ease chart configuration. You can use the previous builder as
well but the idea is to have specific builders for specific charts.
Here you have some examples.
|builder MAX|
MAX := 8.
builder := GET2Bar data: ((1 to: 15) collect: [ :v | MAX atRandom - 5 ]).
builder color: [ :val | |alpha |
alpha := [ :v | (v abs / MAX) ].
val positive ifTrue: [ Color blue alpha: (alpha value: val) ]
ifFalse: [ Color purple alpha: (alpha value: val) ]
builder open
| values builder |
values := #( #(1 3 3) #(3 2 4) #(5 14 5) #(6 10 1) #(7 9 6) #(8 8 9) ).
builder := GET2Scatterplot data: values.
color: (Color purple alpha: 0.5);
r: [:v | v third * 4].
I am now fixing the Gofer configuration (for PDF exporting).
I’ll be working on better numbering strategy for axis and horizontal/vertical line guides
as background.
Stay tuned :-)
On Apr 1, 2014, at 3:27, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse(a)inria.fr> wrote:
I’ve started to use GraphET to generate figures in my papers. It works relatively well
But yes, we will continue to push it!
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