On 11/06/15 18:53, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Another possibility is not use this custom scale ruler and instead we
will use some kind of arcs, but I would like to test different
approaches to choose from. By the way testing the arcs approach (code
at [2]
http://ws.stfx.eu/EGZ9ZYULOR0 and graphic 3) I start to wonder
if there is not a better way by having overlapping ellipsis with
transparent background and custom colored borders. Is this possible?
By the way this code paints a totally gray circle, not a transparent one
with a gray border:
| weeksOrbit diameter v |
v := RTView new.
diameter := 55.
weeksOrbit := (RTEllipse new
size: diameter;
color: Color white;
borderColor: Color lightGray) element.
v add: weeksOrbit.