Thanks for looking into this so deep :). This is more than welcome. Please continue :).
I intentionally do not show the horizontal scrollbar because when you have a list with
long items, I do not want to have the horizontal scrollbar. I agree that there might be
times when you would need it, but in most cases it's a usability impediment.
Now, if we talk about tables, the current implementation is barely useful for a narrow set
of cases in which we just show a list with one or two columns. It's not really a
table. So, to fix this, we have to implement a real table with useful semantics.
One option would be to add this as a setting to the presentation, but I do not want to do
that either. The reason is that I would like to limit as much as possible the settings of
the presentations because they should be about browsing, not about manipulating the
graphical appearance of the widget.
On 6 Jan 2012, at 19:37, Guillermo Polito wrote:
Hi Doru!
Which is the method that renders a table, hehe, only puts a vertical scrollbar:
treeMorphFor: tmpTreeModel and: aPresentation
| tmpTreeMorph columns |
tmpTreeMorph := MorphTreeMorph new.
doubleClickSelector: #onDoubleClick;
getMenuSelector: #menu:shifted:;
keystrokeActionSelector: #keyStroke:from:;
cornerStyle: tmpTreeMorph preferredCornerStyle;
borderStyle: (BorderStyle inset width: 1);
autoDeselection: aPresentation allowsDeselection;
hResizing: #spaceFill;
vResizing: #spaceFill;
layoutFrame: (LayoutFrame fractions: (0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 1)).
columns := aPresentation columns isEmpty
ifTrue: [ OrderedCollection with: (MorphTreeColumn new rowMorphGetSelector:
ifFalse: [
aPresentation columns collect: [:each |
GLMMorphTreeColumn new
startWidth: each width;
glamourColumn: each;
headerButtonLabel: (aPresentation titleValueOfColumn: each)
font: StandardFonts menuFont
target: nil
actionSelector: nil
arguments: #();
yourself ].
preferedPaneColor: Color white;
model: tmpTreeModel;
nodeListSelector: #roots;
columns: columns.
aPresentation isMultiple
ifTrue: [tmpTreeMorph beMultiple]
ifFalse: [tmpTreeMorph beSingle].
tmpTreeModel chunkSize: aPresentation amountToShow.
tmpTreeMorph vShowScrollBar.
^ tmpTreeMorph buildContents
And if you have a large table with many columns, you can't scroll to the rightest
end. I've changed that line by
tmpTreeMorph showScrollBars.
and the list and tree examples looks still ok.
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